Sunday 7 April 2013

A passion for crafting: Nature or nurture?

Mum's cross stitch
I come from a long line of crafty women. Three generations back a great, great aunt was expert at tatting, my grandmother was an avid knitter, and my mother knits, crochets and cross stitches. Always keen to learn a new skill my mother has now taken up quilling as well. Sometimes things just happen by accident - the quilling is just one such example - in this case literally!

A nasty shoulder injury meant that she was unable to get up to her usual crafty capers, but after attending a workshop at a local craft group, and finding herself at a loose end, quilling became a bit of a life-saver. Now we all receive beautiful quilled birthday cards, even though Mum has gone back to her other crafts as well.

I was taught to knit at the age of 5 years and have been knitting at every opportunity ever since. Crochet was the next craft I learnt and I very soon developed a love of all things wooly!

Our two rough collies used to sleep on my granny square blankets at the foot of the stairs...

My dolls were dressed in hand knitted outfits that I had knitted and I will never forget the comments my Dad made in his speech as father of the bride. He began by relating things I had brought to my family - all the usual stuff: happiness, joy etc etc...

"... but most of all, she's brought us wool!"

He then went on to relate an anecdote about how our local wool shop had rung me to see if I had a particular yarn in stock!

So I got to wondering whether my love of all things crafty was the result of all those crafty genes or the environment I was brought up in.... is crafting a question of nature or nurture? My husband would probably say I was doomed either way!

I see no hexagons!

I took up quilting in 2001 and have made everything from cushions (see above tessellation English paper pieced cushion) to a 10 foot square bed quilt (below) for my brother and his new bride as a wedding present!

I have tried just about every patchwork and quilting technique going and once again have decided that I prefer the traditional approaches - I love the idea of using the same techniques that generations of women before have used - quilting by gas light! I will tell you all more of  my current quilting projects in future.

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